"You know, the root of the word Miller is a Greek word. Miller come from the Greek word "milo," which is mean "apple," so there you go. As many of you know, our name, Portokalos, is come from the Greek word "portokali," which mean "orange." So, okay? Here tonight, we have, ah, apple and orange. We all different, but in the end, we all fruit. " -
My Big Fat Greek WeddingSo a bunch of fruits walk into a Greek restaurant...

Ikaros! Highlandtown! Greek food! Waiters and waitresses that watch your every mover and make you feel uncomfortable! B-G's!
Donk, LBJ, Fist, and Lover Cindy all made appearances at the first ever "Ethnic Food Night on the Town!" (more to come). We opted for Greek and took our pretty behinds to Ikaros in Baltimore's small Greek neighborhood on the east si-ide.
We started with some fancy cocktails, then got three appetizers: grape leaf rolls, tzaziki, and saganaki. The grape leaves were delish, with some meats and rice on the inside and lemon sauce on the outside. Tzaziki was delicious and went with everything, including french fries later on.

Saganaki was a show! Saganaki is a block of hard, sharp Greek cheese that is drenched in alcohol, lit on fire, and put out with lemon juice. There was a lot of alcohol on this Greek cheese, which, unfortunately, we could still taste after the flame was put out. But it was pretty good nonetheless. If you look closely in the pic below, you can see the flame!

Then, we had our meals. Mostly lamb, a little seafood and mystery meat mixed in:

We were stuffed and had no interest in dessert, but the ever-present waitstaff decided to bring us some dessert on the house. I guess we had room left, because we decided to dive in before even thinking about taking a picture. Eventually, I was reminded to get a pic in, so below you see a shredded wheat concoction, baklava, and something delicious that sparked a discussion of flan.

Almost more memorable than the food, though, was the creepy and overbearing waitstaff. When Donks decided that she didnt want to box up every last morsel of her food, they descended like hawks asking what was wrong and practically forcing it on her! We took the hint and just boxed everything up and smiled. Ah! Jewish mother syndrome. Until next time...